
Est. 1980


Stay updated on our happenings and promotions

  1. Welcoming David Dalton to The Team!

    June 11, 2024

    Pacific Coast Marketing is excited to announce David Dalton has joined our team!

  2. Lakeside Foods hires Pacific Coast Marketing!

    July 26, 2022

    Beginning August 1st, 2022 Lakeside Foods will hire Pacific Coast Marketing as their new broker in the Illinois market!  We are excited to start working on behalf of Lakeside Foods and growing their business!  Lakeside comes to our market with great presence and great products in multiple categories!   We are extremely excited to partner with […]

  3. New Hire!

    Pacific Coast Marketing is excited to announce a new hire!  Betsy Nagel Shultz!  Betsy has been in the Foodservice Business her entire career starting with Fox River Foods and then transitioning into the brokerage side.  She comes with great experience and relationships throughout the industry.  Please welcome Betsy!